Artillery (MHV)
Videos about Artillery and Rocket Artillery by Military History Visualized.
"Dumb" Artillery vs Tanks
Artillery is quite unpopular and often underestimated, particularly in comparison to tanks. Yet, particularly even "dumb" artillery, so without specialized anti-tank or guided / high-precision ammunition. For this I talked to a German Ukraine Legion member, additionally I looked at German WW2 sou...
Artillery Combat in World War 1
This video will focus on how the use of Artillery changed throughout the war and cover some of the many major innovations. Artillery tactics changed to a large degree from 1914 to 1918, whereas in 1914 the use of artillery in tactics and techniques had still a strong resemblance to the Napoleonic...
Wespe: A Successful Failure?
The Wespe was a self-propelled artillery based on the Panzer II chassis mainly employed by the Panzer- and Panzergrenadier-Divisions from Summer 1943 onwards. In this video we look at the origin, its performance, general assessment, an experience report and overall production numbers as well. Dis...
Hummel: When the Gun is writing Checks the Chassis can't Cash
A look at the "Hummel" or properly schwere Feldhaubitze 18/1 auf Panzerkampfwagen III/IV (Selbstfahrlafette) of the Panzermuseum Munster. This was a self-propelled artillery that was mainly used in German Panzer-Divisions from 1943 onwards. We look at the development history, experience reports, ...
Why 518 Men for 12 Field Guns?
Why do you need 518 Men for 12 Field Guns? »» GET BOOKS & VIDEOS «« » Stukabook - Doctrine of the German Dive-Bomber - » The Assault Platoon of the Grenadier-Company November 1944 (StG 44) - » Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 - http://www.hdv470-...
Sturmgeschütz (StuG): German Assault Artillery
A look at the StuG (Sturmgeschütze) German assault guns. Now this video is more about the branch and organization and not individual vehicles. Thus, the name “assault artillery”, because this is the translation of the original name for this branch in German which was “Sturmartillerie”. Short vide...
[Weapons 101] How does a Mortar work?
Modern mortars evolved from the so-called "Stokes Mortar", but the basic principles still apply. This video gives you a short overview on mortars. A modern mortar is a weapon that provides short-range indirect fire at high angles, usually between 45 and 80 degree. Unlike traditional (old) mortars...
Was there Artillery Shell Recycling in WW2?
There is another Colonel Question, this time from Andrew: "My question is as follows: Did the major powers in the European theater (US, UK, USSR, Germany) have standard operating procedures for recycling those piles of artillery shells we see in pictures from so many wars from WWI onward? Or was ...
German Wespe vs M7 Priest - Which one was better?
In this video we look at self-propelled artillery, namely the US M7 Priest and the German Wespe or wasp in English. For this we will look at some hard values like firepower, mobility and armor protection, but also at ergonomics and the overall impact in the grand scheme of things. Disclaimer in 2...
Why Panzerartillerie? Why Armored Artillery?
Why self-propelled armored artillery for the Panzer Forces, why not just used motorized / towed artillery? What were the benefits? What were the reasons? Why not from the start of the war? For this we look at the Hummel, Wespe, Sturmgeschütz and also the Sturmpanzers as well. English Channel of t...
Nebelwerfer - the German rocket artillery from World War 2 - is quite often mentioned, yet at the same time very little is known about them. This video covers the Nebeltruppe (Smoke Troops / Smoke Arm), 15-cm-Nebelwerfer 41, schwere Wurfgerät 40 and 41, Wurfrahmen 40, 28/32-cm Nebelwerfer 41, 21-...
German Artillery Tactics & Combat in WW2
German Artillery Tactics in World War 2 are a rather obscure subject, very little is written about it. As such I used mostly primary sources for this video. It covers the basic role of the artillery, the different roles of light and heavy howitzers, the different use of fuzes for different target...
How to use a Sturmtiger
Based on Documents from February 1945 „Guidelines for the Employment of the Assault Mortar Battery 38 cm RW 61” (“Richtlinien für den Einsatz der Sturmmörser-Batterie 38 cm RW 61“) we look in this video on how a Sturmtiger Battery was used and also some aspects of the vehicle that are usually not...
Vietnam Artillery Firebase Tactics
The Vietnam War was quite different in many ways, especially when it came to artillery combat and tactics. Since in a regular war, your artillery sits usually a considerable distance behind the frontlines. Yet, Vietnam was a war without fronts. One of the key innovations in terms of artillery com...
Nebelwerfer Tactics
Nebelwerfer Tactics of the German Army in World War 2. Note that "Nebelwerfer" literally means "Fog Thrower", a better translation would be rocket launcher. This video covers smoke tactics, high explosive tactics, tactics versus tanks and also tactics versus artillery. Additionally, we also look ...
Better than Artillery?! Nebelwerfer (Rocket Artillery)
A look at the differences of rocket artillery - specifically the Nebelwerfer - and regular artillery in the Second World War. For this we look mostly at German primary sources (war-time documents) from the Second World War. Most of these aspects should also apply to Soviet Katyusha launchers etc....
Panzerhaubitze 2000 for Ukraine - German Firepower
The Netherlands sends German Panzerhaubitzen 2000 to Ukraine. This video covers the available information on the transfer, the number of Panzerhaubitzen in operation, why Germany does not send Panzerhaubitzen, an assessment of the Panzerhaubitze 2000, estimated training times, strength and weakne...
Napoleonic Artillery Tactics
A look at Artillery Tactics during the Napoleonic Wars. This video covers gun types, ammo types like round shot, canister and shrapnel, effective range, organization, horse / foot artillery, tactics, employment like positioning and counter-battery fire. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » Early Access & more wit...
Sturmpanzer IV - "Brummbär"
Play War Thunder for free and get a nice bonus pack with vehicles, premium time and more: The Sturmpanzer IV also called wrongly "Brummbär" is a heavily armored assault gun with a large 150 mm that was requested by Hitler for urban combat, its predece...