Fastest Way To Reload A Lee-Enfield: One Charger Clip, Two Chargers Or A New Magazine?
Bloke takes his practical experimentation very, very seriously. Here, he takes a look at whether reloading a single charger clip, two of them, or replacing the magazine is quicker, under several different sets of circumstances.
Featuring his lovely 1943 Long Branch .303 British Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.1*
Up Next in Britain
Mad Minute Series: Lee-Enfield No.4
Finally. The first "proper" installment in the Mad Minute series! In which The Bloke geeks out with the footage and data he got! This one is the Lee-Enfield No.4 in .303 British (natch), to serve as the baseline. Target is 18-20m away, in case I forgot to say it in the vid.
Sorry for the echo ...
How Lee-Enfield No.4 Forend Stocking-...
Bloke takes his Lee-Enfield No.4 apart (a rare event, since unless you've got to dry a sopping wet rifle, no good can come of it) to show how the forend is attached to the metal. It's not obvious, and it's rather clever.
Also there's a few verbal digressions railing against the common unthinki...
SA80 / L85A1 Semiauto Part 2: Zeroing...
Mike was lucky enough to be able to shoot the semiauto SA80 / L85A1, so he zeroed it at 100m and shot it at 300m